Sterne vielleicht (?)! was composed for Lokaal 01’s “Luisterpost”. The work is based on sound structures that were produced for Geoglyphs. Geoglyphs‘ main feature is the use of so-called tendency masks.
The shapes of the tendency masks are audible here as pitch structures, as the range of glissandi, as the timbre variation of more monotonous sounds, as the bandwith of the spectrum, and/or as a variation in sound durations.
Jo Scherpenisse designed and built special equipment to make the application of tendency masking possible in the Institute of Sonology’s voltage-controlled studio.
The concept of Geoglyphs allows for form variants. Geoglyphs‘ large form is based on a selection rule, which determined the order and density in which the large amount of sound structures appear. The structure of Sterne Vielleicht(?)! emerged from a different selection rule.
year: 2002
duration: 6:50
tracks: 2
Available on the CD Luisterpost 2002/2003 (Lokaal01-LP-CD01) as “Juni 2002”.